Stop empowering the devil

According to the Bible, the Devil’s main goal is to kill and destroy, which he accomplishes through many channels and schemes. He is continually looking for ways to take advantage of Believers, particularly by deceiving them about God’s plans for their lives. He did this to Adam and Eve, and there is no evidence that he has repented, implying that he is still out there doing what he does best.

So here are six ways to completely outwit the devil and put him in his place:

  • Stay alert and watchful when you find someone after your life, as the Devil is a roaring lion who seeks to devour us if we give him a chance. It is crucial to stay woke to his schemes, such as doubt, fear, temptation, and division. By being aware, you can easily respond with wisdom, prayer, and the power of God’s word, foiling his plans and preserving your spiritual well-being.
  • Be intentional about your joy, as the devil cannot stand or understand an atmosphere of joy. In this life, everyone will likely have a dose of challenges, but the Bible in James 1:2-3 says that counting it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces patience. As believers, we need to understand that the Devil doesn’t want you to be joyful because he knows he can never disarm or disorientate you in the state of joy. When you’re sad, depressed, confused, anxious, in doubt or fear, he can easily destroy you and you don’t want to know how many lives he has affected.
  • Rely on the power of the Holy Spirit: We are not alone in this battle. The Holy Spirit resides in us, empowering us to overcome the devil’s schemes. Yield to the Spirit’s guidance, rely on His strength, and invite Him to fill every area of your life. The Spirit will equip you with discernment, wisdom, and supernatural power to resist the enemy’s attacks. If you’re not certain whether the Holy Spirit lives in you, ask yourself three questions: Are you born again, have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit, and do you fellowship with God? If you answered yes, then you need to know that the Holy Spirit lives in you.
  • Clare yourself in God’s armor: As mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-18, we are called to put on the whole armor of God, including truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. Put on this armor daily through prayer, consciously inviting God’s protection and empowerment.
  • Seek accountability and fellowship: Isolation is the enemy’s breeding ground. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can provide accountability, encouragement, and support. Engage in a community of faith where you can grow together, share experiences, and uplift one another. Together, you can expose the devil’s schemes and stand strong in unity.

Know and stand on God’s Word: Familiarize yourself with the truth of God’s Word, meditate on Scripture, memorize key verses, and internalize God’s promises. Stand firm on the truth of God’s Word, confidently declaring its authority over every situation, as the Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.