6 Ways to Protect and Spread the Gospel

The gospel is the good news of God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ. It is the most precious treasure we have as Christians, and we are called to protect it and pass it on to others. Here are six ways we can do that:

1. Study the Bible regularly and faithfully. The Bible is the source of the gospel, and we need to know it well to understand and share it accurately. We should read, meditate, memorize and apply God’s word in our lives.

2. Pray for the gospel’s advancement and protection. We should pray for God to open doors for the gospel to spread in our communities and around the world. We should also pray for God to protect the gospel from false teachers, persecution and corruption.

3. Live out the gospel in our daily lives. We should not only proclaim the gospel with our words, but also demonstrate it with our actions. We should love God and love our neighbors as ourselves, showing kindness, mercy, justice and grace.

4. Share the gospel with others. We should not keep the gospel to ourselves, but seek opportunities to share it with those who do not know Christ. We should be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have, and to explain the gospel clearly and respectfully.

5. Support gospel ministries and missions. We should support those who are dedicated to preaching the gospel and making disciples in different contexts and cultures. We should pray for them, encourage them, partner with them and give generously to them.

6. Train and equip others to pass on the gospel. We should not only pass on the gospel to others, but also help them to pass it on to others. We should disciple, mentor, teach and coach others to grow in their faith and their ability to share the gospel.